Friday, February 22, 2008

Thoughts on a Walk

I went on a walk today through, where else, Christchurch Meadow. I haven't gone the long way round (which happens to be the title of a book I bought after my walk, but that will come later) so I did this time. I only realized about two minutes into my walk that I was completely ruining the walk by having my ears bombarded with constant melodies, harmonies and such. Music is great in it's own time and place, which usually is most anywhere, however not on a walk. The birds were yelling at me to take out my ear pieces and I couldn't hear them under the Clapton Chronicles. An extra loud bird made me realize my mistake and I ashamedly uncovered my ears to reveal the natural songs that I was missing. The songs came from several different birds making me wish that I could put a name to each song's owner. Alas, I am not a birdwatcher, and cannot tell you who sings what song, but I can say that I enjoy the songs either way.

The path and the birds guided me to a river where boats were tied down and a lone rower was working his oars. Runners passed and a swan looked for food under the water's surface. It wasn't murky water, but it wasn't a clear river either, offering more of a green tint than anything. Ducks quacked and squabbled over landing spots on the water as two geese watched me walk by with intense curiosity. The rower was turning around to head back the other way. Down the river were more ducks and geese and boats and runners who had their own birds to sing them on their way. The wind was warm, but just quick enough to give you a chill under your jacket if you you're not careful. A bridge approached as the rower quickly rowed by and I turned towards the separate lane instead of crossing the bridge. The water decided to turn too and on the new path the river turned to a creek and continued by my side. The water was definitely green, something you would expect an old worn emerald to look like. The ducks followed, content to kick their feet up and dive for food every so often. Rowers on the St. Anne's College Club ran to practice as the clocks of Oxford city started chiming 11 o'clock.

"...old green water... That tree looks like a big fungus... I wonder what that guy's reading about... That chime sounds like the one in A Christmas Carol... We should have grey squirrels in Indiana... That guy already passed me once... I wanna play rugby... Panini or pasty?... I'm in Oxford... This place is so OLD!... Harry Potter was filmed here..."

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